Here's What the "Stomach Vacuum" Is That Everyone's Been Talking About

The strange "stomach vacuum" thing you've been hearing about this week? It's real. It's an exercise, but it's not an attractive exercise: You breath out, removing the air from your stomach while tightening your abs and sucking them up and under your rib cage. Once you're there, the goal is to hold in place to strengthen the transversus abdominis, otherwise known as the muscles behind your (real or theoretical) six-pack (yes, those exist).

You can imagine what that looks like, right? Not pretty, and borderline creepy. But it doesn't stop fitness fanatics and weight-lifters from using the technique. It's been around for years and continues to grow in popularity because users swear by the results.
"These exercises DO work because you are holding the abs in tension for an extended period of time," says fitness expert and creator of the Brooklyn Bridge Boot Camp, Ariane Hundt.
But it isn't as easy as just sucking in your stomach a few times a week. She says you have to already be in shape to see real results.
"Doing ab exercises alone will never create a six-pack," says Hundt. "Being able to see the abs is the result of a clean diet, which creates low body fat. Females would need to have a body fat lower than 18 percent to see this kind of definition, no matter how many ab exercises she would do."
Anywho, if you'd like to try it, click here for a demo.
Post Title : Here's What the "Stomach Vacuum" Is That Everyone's Been Talking About

Here's What the "Stomach Vacuum" Is That Everyone's Been Talking About,


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